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Resources /Articles

Who Can You Call?

Social Services Hotline                                                  _     _                               211
Abused Women Crisis Line Haven Hills:                      _                                       (818) 887-6589
Alcoholics Anonymous:                                              _          _                            (800) 923-8722
Families Anonymous:                                               _              _                          (800) 736-9805
Child Abuse Help Group:                                       _                                           (818) 781-0360
Los Angeles County Child Abuse Hotline-24 hours                                   _       (800) 540-4000
DisastersAmerican Red Cross, Los Angeles Chapter:                                         (213) 739-5200
Domestic ViolenceCenter for the Prevention of Domestic Violence:                   (818) 786-2079
Mental Health Information L.A. County Department of Mental Health:               (800) 854-7771
Sex Offender InformationUSC Sex Offender Program:           _                           (323) 226-4942
Sexual AssaultSFV Trauma Crisis Hotline:                                 _                          (818) 886-0453
Substance AbuseFamilies Anonymous:                                      _                        (800) 736-9805
Narcotics Anonymous:                                                                 __                    (800) TODAYNA
Suicide Intervention and Prevention Center-Los Angeles County:  _                   (800) SUICIDE or (877) 727-4747

Reading List


Johnson, Robert
Inner work:  Using Dreams and Active Imagination...

Bosnak, Robert
Little Course In Dreams - Basic Handbook Of Jungian Dreamwork

Chevalier, Jean (Penguin Reference)
The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols (Dictionary, Penguin)

Freud, Sigmund (Duh!  Of course I have to put this in)
The interpretation of Dreams

The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols
Penguin Group Publishers

Jung, Carl
Dreams (From volumes 4, 8, 12, and 16 of the Collected Works of C.G. Jung)
Man and his Symbols
Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious

Hall, James
Jungian Dream Interpretation: A handbook of Theory and Practice

Whitmont, Edward
The Symbolic Quest


Hillman, James
A Blue Fire
Care of the Soul
Re-visioning Psychology
The Soul's Code
The Force of Character

Berg, J.H.
A different existence

May, Rollo
The Courage to Create

Hollis, James
The Eden Project: in search of the magical other

Johnson, Robert
Owing your own shadow
Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth

Green, Andre
On Private Madness

Gladwell, Malcom
Tipping point

McWilliams, Nancy
Psychoanalytic Case Formulation
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: a practitioner's guide

Campbell, Joseph
Hero with a Thousand Faces
The Power of Myth

Frankl, Viktor
Man's Search for Meaning

Jung, Carl
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Pretty much anything else :)

Edinger, Edward
Ego and Archetype
Anatomy of the Psyche

Marie-Louise Von Franz
Golden Ass of Apuleius
Interpretation of fairy tales
Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche

Reik, Theodor
Listening with the third ear

Whitaker, Robert
Mad in America

Winnicott, Donald
Playing and reality

Kiersey, David
Please Understand Me 2

Estes, Clarissa Pinkola
Women who run with wolves

Contact Us

For any questions you have, you can reach us here:

Kami Psychology

6709 Greenleaf Ave

Suite 302

Whittier, CA 90601



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